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Topic: Heavenly Interest in Human Events, Matches 33 quotes.



From the standpoint of numbers, equipment, training, and resources the rag-tag army of the colonists should never have won the war for independence. But America’s destiny was not to be determined by overwhelming numbers, or better military weapons, or strategy. As Adams declared: “There’s a divinity which shapes our ends.” God took a direct hand in the events that led to the defeat of the British.

When the war was over, here is how Washington ascribed the victory: “The success, which has hitherto attended our united efforts, we owe to the gracious interposition of heaven, and to that interposition let us gratefully ascribe the praise of victory, and the blessings of peace.” (To the Executives of New Hampshire, November 3, 1789.)

Source: President Ezra Taft Benson
“Righteousness Exalteth a Nation”
Address given 29 June 1986.

Topics: Heavenly Interest in Human Events; War, Revolutionary War



The man must be bad indeed who can look upon the events of the American Revolution without feeling the warmest gratitude towards the great Author of the Universe whose divine interposition was so frequently manifested in our behalf. And it is my earnest prayer that we may so conduct ourselves to merit a continuance of those blessings with which we have hitherto been favored.

Source: George Washington

Topics: America, History; Heavenly Interest in Human Events



We have over three thousand missionaries in the world and many of them will be led to homes which before were closed but will now be open to hear their testimonies. It is our responsibility to carry the message of the gospel not only to the civilized world but also to those who are not considered to be so civilized. All this has been made possible because the Lord in his wisdom saw the necessity of giving us a nation in which we could thrive. In no other nation under heaven could the Church have been organized and gone forward as we have in this nation. The founding of the United States was not an accident. The giving to us of the Constitution of the United States was not an accident. Our Heavenly Father knew what would be needed, and so he paved the way to give us the Constitution. It came under the influence of prayer, and he guided those who framed that wonderful document.

Source: President George Albert Smith
General Conference, April 1947

Topics: Heavenly Interest in Human Events



Blessings Of Democracy

I hope that the membership of this Church will not be deceived into thinking that other plans, other forms of government, other systems of direction whatsoever, are desirable. I want to say to you without any hesitation that no form of government in the world can be compared favorably with the government God gave to us. This is his plan. Then after giving us our civil government, preparing the way for governing ourselves, if you will, he organized the Church and gave it the name of his Beloved Son, and then directed that we share that information with all his children. What a commission, a divine commission!

Source: President George Albert Smith
General Conference, April 1947

Topics: America, Heritage; Heavenly Interest in Human Events



The founding fathers of the United States of America were inspired in drafting a constitution that guarantees religious and other freedoms for all. Religious tolerance and changing attitudes helped prepare a people while the conditions created under the umbrella of the U.S. Constitution prepared a location where the restoration of the gospel could take place.

Source: Elder John B. Dickson
General Conference, April 2000

Topics: America, Heritage; Heavenly Interest in Human Events



All governments are more or less under the control of the Almighty, and, in their forms, have sprung from the laws that he has from time to time given to man. Those laws, in passing from generation to generation, have been more or less adulterated, and the result has been the various forms of government now in force among the nations; for, as the Prophet says of Israel, “They have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinances, and broken the everlasting covenant.”

Whoever lives to see the kingdom of God fully established upon the earth will see a government that will protect every person in his rights. If that government was now reigning upon this land of Joseph, you would see the Roman Catholic, the Greek Catholic, the Episcopalian, the Presbyterian, the Methodist, the Baptist, the Quaker, the Shaker, the Hindoo, the Mahometan, and every class of worshippers most strictly protected in all their municipal rights and in the privilege of worshipping who, what, and when they pleased, not infringing upon the rights of others. Does any candid person in his sound judgment desire any greater liberty?

The Lord has thus far protected and preserved the human family under their various forms and administrations of government, notwithstanding their wickedness, and is still preserving them; but if the kingdom of God, or a theocratic government, was established on the earth, many practices now prevalent would be abolished.

Source: Brigham Young
Journal of Discourses, Vol.6, p.342-3, July 31, 1859

Topics: Freedom, Religious; Heavenly Interest in Human Events



In The Hands Of God

Don’t worry about the future of the Church. It is in the hands of the Almighty. Don’t worry about the future of the Government. That, too, is in the hands of God, and he will guide it and direct it aright, and carry it forward until it, too, shall find its glorious mission. God speed his cause on. Wars, yes, and bloodshed will come, and thrones will totter, but out of every conflict will come the onward progress of truth and righteousness in the preparation of this world for its golden age, for the coming of the Son of God!

Source: Elder Melvin J. Ballard
General Conference, October 1934

Topics: Heavenly Interest in Human Events



A Land Of Promise

We, my brethren and sisters, are assembled here today in this historic building, in a city which we call Salt Lake, in a territory which we call Utah, a territory which forms one of the forty-eight federated states of our union, each state independent in its own sphere, but all bound together by constitutional law, which welds them into a single entity.

Only yesterday the ground upon which this building stands, in fact the entire area covered by the United States of America, was an uncultivated wilderness. The prophets of the Lord, centuries before, had predicted the existence of this land, before it was known to the people of the old world. They had outlined to us the establishment of this government of ours; they had declared that upon this land, which to them was a land choice above all others, there would be established a system of civil government, which would be a light to the world; a government to which would be gathered the remnant of the scattered house of Israel; a government in which men would enjoy equal rights under the law; a government in which men would act as their own conscience might prompt them to do—with this restriction, however, that in that which they did they must not infringe upon the rights of others or prevent them from exercising the agency which they themselves exercised.

Source: President Anthony W. Ivins
General Conference, October 1933

Topics: America, History; Heavenly Interest in Human Events; Rights



The prophet Isaiah, referring to this land of America, these everlasting hills, declared that at a future time—the time to which he referred was the latter days—the house of the Lord the Lord would be established here, and that all nations would flow unto it; that they would be taught here the way of the Lord and learn to walk in his paths. By foreknowledge of God the prophets declared that by the direction of his Spirit the Lord would bring people to this continent who would establish this form of government, and said that they would never be overthrown or conquered by other nations, if they would but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ.

The destiny of America from the day that Columbus sailed from the ports of Spain to the present, was declared by the prophets of the Lord, as I have said, before the people of Europe knew that America existed. The sailing of Columbus, from the port of Palos, in Spain, was not a thing of chance. It had been declared by the prophets nearly two thousand years before that the Spirit of the Lord would rest upon a man among the Gentiles, and that he would sail forth and land upon this continent. As he sailed on and on over uncharted seas, his crew was in open revolt, they declared that they would go no farther, and that upon the morrow they would turn the prows of their ships back to the east and endeavor to find their way back to Spain, but upon that eventful night a gun from the Pinta announced that land had been sighted. A new world had been discovered.

Source: President Anthony W. Ivins
General Conference, October 1933

Topics: America, History; Heavenly Interest in Human Events

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